Probiotic Complex – Acidophilus – 40 BILLION CFU 15 Bacteria Strains - Digestion

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> There are many benefits to taking probiotics, not just for a healthy digestive tract but for brain health also.

 > 86% of us suffer with gastrointestinal (GI) problems of one form or another. Probiotics can dramatically improve and restore your gut health for many of us.

 > An imbalance may be due to medication, poor diet or illness. This means that there are more bad bacteria than good, so by taking 2 capsules a day you can replenish all that good bacteria that your body is craving.

> Our high-quality capsules contain 40 billion live cultures, 15 most well-researched and carefully selected strains for maximum effect.

> GMP – Our products are manufactured to the highest good manufacturing practice standards and tested by a 3rd party laboratory to make sure our products are of the highest standard and purity available.